Very high efficient! Unlike any other generator seen today! Can easily be designed to operate at much higher voltages other than 120V AC. Can also be built to run at 12 VDC, to charge a battery bank for home inverter use. New Technology for the 21st century, and designed as an easy homemade device that anyone can build! A breakthrough in AC – DC generator design! Great for Home use as well as industrial use! It was designed to operate with our Fuelless Engine, Windmill, and Fuelless Gravity Engine devices but can be operated by other means as well. This is a new type of AC or DC generator designed by David Waggoner. This is one of many coil tests done on the SP500 AC or DC Generator! It is easy! Simply scale up our design to any size voltage or wattage output you desire! You can build our generator to run any size home! Or if you like AN ENTIRE CITY!