The closer to 1:1 your SWR is, the more accurate it will be. The reading you see on the meter will be very close to your real SWR. Now, without touching anything, swap the coax connections so that the rig is connected to the “ANT” side of the meter, and the antenna is connected to the “XCVR” side. What you do is connect up the meter as usual, key the rig with the switch in the forward power position, set the adjustment for full scale. They really don’t work well on 2M but there’s a trick you can do that will net a reasonably accurate SWR reading on 2M with one of these meters. What I keep in my toolbag for that is a cheapie $5 hamfest special CB SWR meter. If all you want to to is check SWR on your 2M antenna, you don’t necessarily have to buy a dedicated VHF/UHF SWR meter. I use a CB SWR meter to check 2M antennas all the time. Will a CB SWR meter work on a 2 meter ham radio? On the HamRadioHelpGroup mailing list, a ham asked: